AAVE, a tradable token on Bityard has become one of the trending Decentralized finance (DeFi) lending protocol. AAVE in general is a Digital money-market where investors can deposit or borrow/lend from a comprehensive list of cryptocurrencies. This article contains all you need to know about AAVE coin and also how to trade AAVE on Bityard. Introduction to AAVE; AAVE also referred to as “ The Ghost-coin ”, is an open-source Ethereum based Decentralized-finance lending protocol, that allows users to send, lend, borrow and deposit cryptocurrencies, using either Stable or variable interest rates. The history of AAVE network can be dated as far back as 2017, following the launch of ETHLend by Stani kulechov (CEO) and Jordan Lazaro Gustave (COO), Both of whom retained their roles as CEO and COO respectively at AAVE network, following the closure of ETHLend back in January 2020. Users of the AAVE protocol can create their own Decentralized money market using the Eth